Leon Ray

-Age: 37

-Height: 6’1” ft (185.4 cm)

-Weight: 148 lbs (67.1 kg)

-Birthday: November 24th, 1988

-Horoscope: Sagittarius

Leon is a laid back kind of guy. He likes to take his time when he works, which ultimately means he turns in reports late or delays the team from a scheduled milestone. As annoying as that may be, he’s an appreciated asset to the team because he provides great and organized work. Aiecd has a clear hatred for him, but he’s learned to deal with it.

While Leon was a teenager, his family moved to America for a few years due to his parent’s work. It was in high school where he met his best friend, Aaron.

Leon and Aaron left to England right after college to work at WOW- both hired without an interview thanks to his father’s connection with Theo.

Fun Fact: Leon purposefully failed his high school Senior year just to graduate with Aaron, who was a Junior. Aaron still calls him stupid for doing it.